FAQs – Astra Header/Footer Builder – Existing Customers

FAQs – Astra Header/Footer Builder – Existing Customers

Astra 3.0 brings a new visual – Header/Footer builder. This will give you an enhanced experience of designing header and footer on your website.

If you are an existing Astra customer and updating Astra from version 2.6 to 3.0, this article will help you to get started.

Note (for Astra Pro users) – Make sure to update both Astra theme and Astra Pro plugin to version 3.0 to use the new Header/Footer builder.

How to enable a new Header/Footer builder?

Once you update the Astra theme and Astra Pro to version 3.0, you would first need to activate the new Header/Footer builder.

To activate it, visit Appearance > Astra Options and click on the button Use New Header/Footer Builder.

This will activate the Header/Footer builder and add new options in the customizer. You can visit the customizer and explore new options under the Header Builder and Footer Builder tabs.

Note that, new Header/Footer builder brings a new structure to the customizer. This offers an advanced visual builder that replaces the old header and footer settings. With this, your old header/footer design might have some changes to adjust to the new structure. Read this article further to see all expected changes with a new structure.

In case you wish to continue with the old header/footer settings you can skip activating the new one.

How can I rollback to the old header and footer settings?

In case you activated the new Header/Footer builder and need to go back to old settings and design, you can roll back easily.

Go to Appearance > Astra Options, click the button Use Old Header/Footer to switch back to old controls and design.

You can continue working with Astra 3.0 and still use the old header and footer settings. But we recommend switching to a new Header/Footer Builder for future benefits.

I Don』t See the Switch/Rollback Button

If you want to do this on a completely new website and using the newest version of the Astra theme, there is a possiblity that you won』t see the switch button mentioned above.

In this case, you』ll need to use a filter. Please add the following custom code to the functions.php file of your Child Theme:

add_filter( 'astra_is_header_footer_builder_active', '__return_false' );

Also, you can use this code to switch between the old Astra header and footer options and a new Header Footer Builder if you wish to test it out. To do this just modify the bolded part of the code:

Using false > Enable old Astra header and footerUsing true > Enable new Header Footer Builder

If you don』t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it. If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.

Why I should not rollback and continue using the new Header/Footer Builder?

Astra』s future updates will include enhancement for the new Header/Footer builder only.

Enhancements and fixes for old header and footer controls will no longer be released with Astra future updates.

Moreover, the new Astra Header/Footer builder offers the most advanced way to design creative headers and footers. It is an easy and powerful visual builder that gives you a great user experience.

So we recommend you switch to a new Header/Footer builder and create an advance header/footer for your website.

What will I retain?

When you switch to the new Header/Footer builder, your old header/footer design will be adjusted in the new 3-row structure. This new structure will try to retain the exact old header/footer design. You might observe small changes in header/footer design but most of the elements and design will be retained.

Some of the header/footer elements that are primarily needed will be retained. Like logo, primary menu in the header and copyright, widgets in the footer.

A few things will change. Those things are mentioned below.

What will change, and what should I recheck?

Once you switch to the new Header/Footer Builder do check the following things. Since a new structure is introduced with a visual builder, a few of the old structures might change.

1. Any custom CSS added to the header/ footer will no longer be effective.

This is because the new structure contains new CSS classes and targets. So custom CSS written with old targets will not work. You can check and target new CSS classes and write CSS again if needed.

2. Check mobile and tablet view.

Switch customizer view to tablet/mobile and check if it looks the same. New Header/Footer builder allows you to design mobile header separately from the desktop header. You get new controls in the mobile header. This might slightly change the mobile/tablet header view. Similarly, check the footer on the mobile and tablet view.

Also, we have changed the responsive breakpoints for Astra Theme, so you should check if this influenced the way your website looks on different devices. The default mobile header breakpoint is now 921px. If you need to modify the breakpoints, please check this document.

3. Elements in header and footer.

Many new elements are added to a new Header/Footer builder structure that can replace old ones. Example – Copyright section in the footer previously used Text section. While in a new structure you will see new dedicated copyright elements instead of text.

So do check all elements added to both header and footer.

4. Spacing

Above, below and primary header/footer now have dedicated spacing options. When you click on the gear icon you will find this option under General tab.

How to Update Your Payment Method?

How to Update Your Payment Method?

Are you looking to update your Payment Method or details related to your account? This document will show you how to do this.

The method of updating your Payment Method differs based on the payment method you choose when you initially bought your subscription (Credit Card or PayPal).

Credit/Debit Card – Stripe 

If you bought your subscription by credit or debit card, this was processed by Stripe on our Store. To update your payment method, please follow these steps:

Step 1 – Login to your account on our Store and navigate to the Subscriptions page (Account > Subscriptions);

Step 2 – Scroll to the list of your subscriptions and find the subscription you want to change the payment method for. In the 「Actions」 column, click on the 「Update Payment Method」 button;

Step 3 – Update the preferred payment method or details. 

Once you do this, the next payments for the subscription will be automatically debited from the newly set payment source.


If you choose PayPal as your payment method while initially purchasing your subscription, to change or modify your payment method later, you will need to follow below mentioned few simple steps: 

Option 1 – Changing the Payment Details:

If you only need to change the payment details for your PayPal account but not the account itself, you can do this update within your PayPal account. Please check this PayPal document for more details on this.

Once you modify payment details in your PayPal account, no further actions regarding the Subscriptions are needed on our Store.

Option 2 – Changing the PayPal Account Details:

Step 1 – Login to your account on our Store and navigate to the Licenses page (Account > Licenses);

Step 2 – Scroll down to the list of your license and find the license you want to renew. Click on the 「Renew License」 button in the 「License Details」 column to renew your license manually;

Step 3 – In the next step, choose your new payment method and payment details – this will create a new subscription;

Step 4 – Navigate to the Subscriptions page (Account > Subscriptions). Scroll to the list of your subscriptions and find your previous subscription (with old payment details);

Step 5 – Cancel your previous subscription to avoid double charges for the same license. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance with canceling your subscription.

Renewing your license with the new subscription and canceling your previous subscription will not affect your license keys. License and keys will remain the same.


Keep in mind that once you renew the license with new payment details, the subscription will be renewed automatically further on. Thus, the above-mentioned process is only needed when changing your payment method or details.

This will help you to manage your Payment Method from our Store account.

Related Docs –

How Do License Upgrades Work?How to Renew Yearly License?

How to Set up a WordPress Staging Site?

How to Set up a WordPress Staging Site?

What is a staging site?

A staging site is an exact copy of your existing website. But it is not available to everyone as your live site. So even if you change anything on the staging site it will not reflect on your live site.


If you have Astra Pro Addon activated on your (live) website, setting up a staging website will not affect the functioning of the plugin. Your license will work well on both the live and staging website.

Why having a staging site makes sense?

1. As it』s not a live site, you can test stable updates, beta updates or new plugins and make any kind of experiments. You can do this without worrying about breaking your live site.2. Provide access to support staff for troubleshooting without worrying about your confidential data.

Why is this useful for the support team?

1. If you are a customer who can not provide login details of the live site to the support team, you can create a staging site and share login details of it.2. It is better for the support team to troubleshoot support problems on the staging site, instead of the live site.3. So the support team doesn』t have to worry about breaking the live site of the customer.

How to create a staging site?

Below is the detailed video that shows how to set up a staging site in less than 5 minutes with the WP Staging plugin.

How to Display WooCommerce Sidebar on Top for Mobile Devices?

How to Display WooCommerce Sidebar on Top for Mobile Devices?

When you enable WooCommerce sidebar on a shop, cart, checkout page and/or single product page, the sidebar is displayed in a secondary container.

What is a secondary container?

Basically, a container is where the main content and information appears. In general, omit the header and footer part of the website and what remains is the container. The content area and the sidebar are parts of the container. The content area is technically called as the primary container, whereas the sidebar is the secondary container.

On mobile devices, the primary container stacks on a secondary container. So, the secondary container is displayed below the primary container.

If you wish to display the sidebar above the primary container on mobile, you would need to use custom CSS code. Necessary CSS code is mentioned below for both sidebars.

For Left Sidebar-

@media (max-width: 768px){
.ast-left-sidebar #content>.ast-container{
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
-webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
-webkit-box-direction: normal;
-webkit-flex-direction: row;
-moz-box-orient: horizontal;
-moz-box-direction: normal;
-ms-flex-direction: row;
flex-direction: row;

For Right Sidebar-

@media (max-width: 768px){
.ast-right-sidebar #content>.ast-container{
-js-display: flex;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -moz-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.ast-right-sidebar #content>.ast-container>#primary {
order: 2;
.ast-right-sidebar #content>.ast-container>#secondary {
order: 1;

Where can I put this custom CSS code?

You can insert this CSS in two ways-

In Customizer: From WordPress backend navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS  and add code the custom CSS area. (Recommended) ORThrough child theme』s style.css: Edit the child theme』s style.css and add a required CSS.

Other useful links-

How to Install Astra Child Theme?How to edit style.css in a child theme?

How to Highlight a Certain Menu Item?

How to Highlight a Certain Menu Item?

Sometimes there is a need to highlight a particular menu item. You can highlight a menu by adding a different background color, text color etc to the particular menu item using custom CSS. To apply custom CSS you need to add CSS class for the menu. Below are the steps to add a CSS class to the menu and highlight it using a custom CSS.

Step 1 – From the WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Menus.Step 2 – Click on Screen Options and tick the CSS Classes checkbox.Step 3 – Click on the menu item that needs to be highlighted.Step 4 – Add CSS class to the menu item and save the changes in the menu. 

Once the CSS class is added you can add CSS with respect to this class. Make sure you add a dot (.) before the CSS class while writing the CSS code. Below is a sample CSS code that you can try. Note the CSS class used is menu-highlight

Below CSS will create a simple button out of the menu item:

background: #d3d3d3;
border-radius: 35px;
padding: 0px 20px;
line-height: 50px !important;
margin: auto;

For the above CSS, the highlighted menu will look as shown in the screenshot below –Below CSS will add the outlined button to the menu item: 

.menu-highlight a{
color: #ffffff !important;
background: transparent;
border-color: #1172c4;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 2px;
border-radius: 50px;
padding: 0px 10px !important;
transition: all 0.2s linear;
.menu-highlight a{
color:#1172c4 !important;
.menu-highlight a:hover {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #1172c4;
border-color: #1172c4;
li.menu-highlight:hover a{
color:#ffffff !important;
.menu-highlight:active {
border-radius: 22px;

For the above CSS, the highlighted menu will look as shown in the screenshot below –

Additional Notes:

This CSS can be pasted in Customizer ▸ Additional CSS as explained here.You can tweak the CSS code to change the colors and look of the highlighted menu item.

Elementor Error: The Content Area Was Not Found in Your Page

Elementor Error: The Content Area Was Not Found in Your Page

If you』re using the Elementor page builder, and you got the message below when you tried to edit your page or post, this article is for you:

Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call the_content function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.

Possible Problems and Solutions:

This is a known issue with Elementor. Though this is not related strictly to Astra Theme, we added some of the possible solutions from our experience below. Please try to check if one of these solutions will help you fix the Elementor error:

The issue with Permalinks:It is possible that your permalinks structure has a problem and needs to be refreshed. Refresh Permalinks two-three times as suggested in this article and most probably the problem should be resolved.

Trying to edit the blog page:Dynamic pages (like blog pages) can not be edited directly with Elementor. You can only edit the static pages from Elementor. If you need to create dynamic pages and have Elementor Pro, please take a look at the Elementor documentation.

Conflict with other plugins:If the solution above does not work, let』s see if it is caused by some plugin installed on the website. To check that, temporarily deactivate all plugins (except Elementor of course) and see if this solves the problem. Then activate them back one by one until the problem returns. That way, you can identify if there is some plugin that』s causing the issue.

If none of these solutions work for you, please visit Elementor and check the solutions mentioned in their documentation, or submit a support ticket with Elementor support.

Blog Pro Overview

Blog Pro Overview

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Astra theme provides basic options to style the blog archive and single blog page. Refer to the document here. While Blog Pro addon available with Astra Pro adds premium features to these options.

This module adds more options in the customizer for the blog layouts.

Quick Steps on How to Design Blog Page Using the Blog Pro ModuleStep 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?Step 2: Activate the Blog Pro module from the Astra Options under the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra OptionsStep 3: Visit customizer [ Appearance > Customize > Blog ] to edit module settings

After activating the addon plugin, and activating the Blog Pro Module (Appearance > Astra Options), you will see the additional settings under Appearance > Customize > Blog. Refer following documents to see detailed settings offered by the addon – 

Blog / Archive PageSingle Post Page

How to Add WooCommerce Mini Cart in Header? (Old Astra Header)

How to Add WooCommerce Mini Cart in Header? (Old Astra Header)

When using the old Astra header, you can add WooCommerce mini cart to the primary header with a few simple settings.

Make sure you have activated the WooCommerce plugin.

To find the setting, from the WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Customize > Header > Primary Menu > Last Item in Menu and choose WooCommerce.

It will display a WooCommerce cart icon at the end of the primary menu.


This doc is valid only if you are using the Astra Theme with the old header options. If you switched to Header and Footer Builder, please visit the related docs category.

You can also add the WooCommerce Mini Cart to the Above/Below Header with Astra Pro. Astra Pro』s WooCommerce module provides options to change the cart icon, add styling to it, display cart title and total. Please refer to this document to start working with the WooCommerce module.

These are premium features available with the Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Like the primary header, you can add a mini cart to Above Header and Below Header. Make sure Header Sections addon is activated.

To find the setting, from WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Customize > Header > Above Header > Section ( 1/2 ) and choose WooCommerce.

Apart from the header, you might need to display a mini cart icon anywhere on the site. The WooCommerce module provides WooCommerce Mini Cart Shortcode, which allows you to display the mini cart icon anywhere you want:



The shortcode will only work if you have Astra Pro installed and activated, with also the WooCommerce module activated from Astra Pro Options (Dashbaorad > Appearance > Astra Options).

Refer to the article here for more information.

How to Upgrade to Astra Pro?

How to Upgrade to Astra Pro?

Astra Pro is a plugin that enhances the capabilities of the free Astra theme and adds more features to it. If you』re looking for a solid and fast theme with easy options for customizations, go for Astra Pro Addon. This article will help to understand how you can upgrade from Astra free theme to Astra Pro Addon plugin.

Refer Astra Pro Addon link here to see all the features it offers. It comes with addons that can be activated and deactivated as per your needs. Therefore, you can select the features that you wish to keep and avoid the rest from bloating your website.

Where can I purchase Astra Pro?

On Astra pricing page, you can see packages available for Astra Pro Addon. You can select the ASTRA PRO ADDON package that offers Astra Pro Addon plugin separately while it is bundled with Essential Bundle and Growth Bundle.

After purchasing the Astra Pro Addon refer an article here to get started with the plugin.

Why Is My Logo Blurry?

Why Is My Logo Blurry?

Usually small images such as logo look (ex: 200px X 200px) blurry on High Definition screens such as MacBook Pro. That is because on the HD screens actually use twice the physical pixels to display the logo (ex: 400px X 400px). So the logo is just resized (scaled UP) causing it to lose its clarity.

To solve this:

Option 1: Use SVG Image Format (Recommended)

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. As the name suggests, it』s a scalable image format that does not have any pixels. So for any important images such as a logo that you would like to appear clear, sharp, and crisp, use SVG format. You can use plugins like SVG Support, which allows sanitized SVG uploads.

If you』ve uploaded your logo in SVG format, you do NOT need to use the Retina Logo option explained below.

Option 2: Retina Logo

If you do not have the image in SVG format, be sure to upload the retina logo for your website so it will look sharp and crisp. The retina logo should be proportionally larger at least 2 times. Read more here.

What Is The Recommended Logo Image Size (PNG/JPG/WebP)? When uploading your logo image file in .png, .jpg, or .webp formats, the recommended image size should be 180 x 60px (length X height). This logo image size should be used as a guide but not as a rule. The final logo image size will depend on your logo format, fonts and words used, etc. For example, if your logo has a square format, you should apply sizes somewhere between 180 x 180px and 60 x 60px, which visually fits your design the best. Also, if your logo consists of long words (e.g., Peek & Cloppenburg), you would use a larger size than 180px for length to keep the height around 60px (thus, you would use a size closer to 250×60 px or 300x60px).Do keep in mind that to prevent your logo from becoming blurry on some mobile devices, we recommend you also upload the retina logo as mentioned above. Thus, if your logo image is 180x60px, the retina logo should be at least 360x120px (proportionally 2x size of standard logo).