If you』re using the Elementor page builder, and you got the message below when you tried to edit your page or post, this article is for you:
Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call the_content function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.
Possible Problems and Solutions:
This is a known issue with Elementor. Though this is not related strictly to Astra Theme, we added some of the possible solutions from our experience below. Please try to check if one of these solutions will help you fix the Elementor error:
The issue with Permalinks:It is possible that your permalinks structure has a problem and needs to be refreshed. Refresh Permalinks two-three times as suggested in this article and most probably the problem should be resolved.
Trying to edit the blog page:Dynamic pages (like blog pages) can not be edited directly with Elementor. You can only edit the static pages from Elementor. If you need to create dynamic pages and have Elementor Pro, please take a look at the Elementor documentation.
Conflict with other plugins:If the solution above does not work, let』s see if it is caused by some plugin installed on the website. To check that, temporarily deactivate all plugins (except Elementor of course) and see if this solves the problem. Then activate them back one by one until the problem returns. That way, you can identify if there is some plugin that』s causing the issue.
If none of these solutions work for you, please visit Elementor and check the solutions mentioned in their documentation, or submit a support ticket with Elementor support.