How To Apply New Default Button Padding Values?

How To Apply New Default Button Padding Values?

Astra Theme version 3.6.3 brought changes to default padding values for buttons to improve the default UI. Furthermore, this update came with the fix for Global padding settings not being applied to Gutenberg buttons. 

Why Do I Need This Improvement?

Previously, the theme default button padding values were 10px on top and bottom and 40px on the left and right sides. These settings negatively influenced the visual appeal of the buttons as they made buttons too wide.

That』s why we updated these values to 15-30px (top, bottom – right, left).

Also, if you used Gutenberg for your posts or pages, you might have noticed that the button padding values you set at Customizer > Global > Buttons didn』t apply and that you needed to set these values manually for each button.

Though these things were changed with Astra 3.6.3 update, this won』t be applied automatically to your website to avoid any adverse effects on your existing websites.

How To Fix This?

For all new websites, these changes will be applied automatically. 

As mentioned, for the existing website, this improvement needs to be activated by adding a filter. This was done to allow you to check how these changes apply to your website and make any changes if needed. 

To apply the improvement to your existing website, you would need to add a filter to the functions.php file of your Child Theme. If you don』t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it. Please add the following filter:

add_filter( 'astra_update_button_padding_defaults', '__return_true' );

If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.

Automatic Beta Updates for Astra

Automatic Beta Updates for Astra

Small but a very useful feature we are introducing with Astra Pro Addon version 1.5.1 is Automatic Beta Updates.

We follow a Beta testing process while releasing any major version. It allows us to provide a working copy of the upcoming release to our customers and get feedback on new features, improvements, and fixes. It is a part of our efforts to release only stable and thoroughly tested updates.

Until now, you had to log in your account on our store, download the beta version and install it manually on your website. But now, we』ve simplified the processing by introducing a feature that will allow users to easily participate in the Beta Program. You can now enable automatic beta updates for Astra Pro on your website.

The setting can be found under Appearance > Astra Options > Allow Beta updates.

You will see the Allow Beta Updates box. Click on the Enable Beta Updates button.

Important Note –

1. Automatic Beta Updates feature is available only with Astra Pro Addon plugin. You will only find this feature with Astra Pro Addon plugin but enabling this option from Astra Pro Addon will display beta updates for both Astra Pro plugin and Astra Theme. Whenever there is a beta update available for Astra Pro or Astra theme, you will get the update notification in WordPress updater.2. If you want a beta update notification for Astra theme, you can enable the above option from Astra Pro. If you are not Astra Pro user then you need to manually download the zip for beta and upload it to the site. Read more here.3. Beta versions are stable as possible since we release them only after testing internally. But we still recommend you to use them only on staging sites or playgrounds. Do not use beta features on live websites. Read About Beta Versions. 

How to revert back to the previous version?

In case you update theme or plugin to the beta version and want to revert back to the previous stable version, follow the steps –

Step 1: Install Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin.Step 2: Download the previous stable version of the theme from here. Step 3: Download the previous stable version for Astra Pro from your store account.Step 4: Now upload recently downloaded zip for theme and plugin to the site.Step 5: Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin will override the current beta version of the theme and plugin with a zip uploaded in Step 4.

Note – If you need zip for the older version for Astra Pro Addon plugin, contact us on the support portal.

Typography Module

Typography Module

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Though you can manage the typography manually at the page builder』s element/module level, it』s important as well as best suggested to manage typography from the default theme options. This will help you to manage fonts throughout your website. Any additional text added while creating a new row or column will match the site』s typography without any efforts taken.

Astra Pro Typography Module gives you complete control to manage typography from header to footer on your website.

Quick Steps to Add Font Styling Using the Typography ModuleStep 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?Step 2: Activate the Typography module from the Astra Options under the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra OptionsStep 3: Visit customizer [ Appearance > Customize > Global > Typography ] to edit module settings


This option helps you to set the typography for the primary menu and submenu.

For below Typography options, navigate to the Customizer > Header > Primary Menu.

Note: If Site Title and Site Tagline is set to display ( Header > Site Identity ) on the site, typography for both the Header and Site Identity will appear here. 


Astra Pro Typography Module gives you complete control for setting the website typography.Along with the font size, you can manage following from H1 to H6:

With these options, you can try the combinations of various fonts on your website, by simply setting the Font Family for the heading.It』s best suggested to use two to three fonts for a website.


Astra Pro Typography Module makes it easy for you to run typography for buttons on all your websites. Like the call to action buttons on your website comes from various elements/modules that you use.


Archive Summary Box Title

This box will appear on the archive pages like category, tags, author, publish date, where the title and the description of the archive page will appear. However, this box is not enabled on the Blog page, thus this option will not apply here.

Blog Post Title | Post Meta

You can give special treatment to Blog Post Titles and Post Meta with the following typography options.


This option will appear if you have kept the post pagination option enabled from the Blog Pro Archive settings.

The font applied to this setting is from the Base typography.This option helps you manage the Text Transform.

Single Post / Page Title

You can manage the typography of a single blog post/page title. Locate this option under Customize > Blog > Single Post > Post / Page Title Font.


Widget Title | Widget content

This option lets you manage the typography of the Sidebar widget title and content. Locate this option under Customize > Sidebar > Title Font.

Footer Widgets

This option helps you to handle the typography of Footer Widgets. Locate under Customize > Footer > Footer Widgets > Widget Title Font / Widget Content Font

Footer Bar

Manage the typography of the main Footer Bar, which appears at the very end of the website. Locate under Customize > Footer > Footer Bar > Content Font

Max Width Site Layout

Max Width Site Layout

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Please refer the following document, to begin with, Site Layout.

A website generally has the main wrapper followed by the container.

The main wrapper consists of header, content, sidebar, and footer — the entire website;And the container is the child wrapper that includes a content & sidebar.

In Max Width Site Layout, the main wrapper of the website is set to a certain maximum width. We have also provided settings for you to control the top and bottom margin, so you can design your website to appear like a real box.

You can find the setting to manage Max Width Site Layout under Appearance > Customize > Global > Container > Site Layout

Other Notes:If you need to set a background image for the entire site please check this document: Global Colors – Astra Theme.

Starter Templates – Free Images from Pixabay

Starter Templates – Free Images from Pixabay

Starter Templates plugin makes the entire free Pixabay image library is available right inside your WordPress backend. You can add Pixabay images with your page builder by searching and importing them straight to your content.

That means whenever you need to insert an image on your page, you can add awesome free pictures from the Pixabay library without leaving your site.

Where can I find it?

Step 1 – Navigate to Dashboard > Page / Post to edit Page or Post.

Step 2 – Start editing the pages with your page builder of choice (e.g. Elementor, Block Editor, etc.).

Step 3 – Navigate to the element (block, widget, section, row, etc.) you wish to add an image to.

Step 4 – Choose to add an image.

Step 5 – When it opens a media library window, you will observe a new option 『Free Images from Pixabay』.

Step 6 – You can search for an image and choose to 『Save & Insert』 it. This will automatically download the image, add it to your media library and insert it on the page.

Pixabay License:

Pixabay images available with Starter Templates are free. Images downloaded can be used for the purpose for free. Here is the Pixabay License page. There are a few exceptions you need to take care of. Read – Pixabay License – What is allowed and what is not?

Related Articles

Starter Templates — Basics and FAQsHow to Import Complete Site with Starter Templates?How to Import Single Page Starter Templates?Starter Templates with Other ThemesStarter Templates – Elementor Popup

How to Add Custom Fonts in Astra?

How to Add Custom Fonts in Astra?

Although you get a huge collection of system fonts and Google fonts to use from, Astra gives you the freedom to use custom fonts too.

In order to use Custom Fonts with Astra, you need to install the Custom Fonts plugin available in the WordPress repository. The option Custom Fonts will be available under Appearance. Upload a font file here that you wish to use.

Here is a great tutorial made by Adam from WPCrafter that explains how this plugin works:

Update for Add Custom Fonts: Step-by-step Guide

This step-by-step guide will help you to add and use Custom Fonts plugin on your website

Install Custom Fonts Plugin To Your Website

Step 1 – Custom Fonts plugin is available for free on the WordPress repository. To install this plugin, navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Search for 「Custom Fonts」 in the search bar in the upper right corner:

Step 2 – Install and activate the plugin;

Step 3 – You can now find the plugin options at Dashboard > Appearance > Astra Options > Custom Fonts.

Downloading the Custom Font

You can download the fonts you need from multiple sources. Note that some of the fonts you find might have licensing limitations. Importing such fonts to your website using Custom Fonts plugin or some other way doesn』t change these limitations in any way.

For this guide, we will use Google Fonts just as an example: We downloaded the .zip file for Nanum Gothic font from here:

When you open the .zip file, you will need to export font files (ttf, otf, woff, woff2, etc.) to your computer from it. There can be one or several font files in the .zip file. These can then be uploaded to your website.


It』s important to mention that since Astra theme version 3.6.0, you have the option of self-hosting Google Fonts on your website (Appearance > Customize > Performance > Load Google Fonts Locally). Thus, there is no need to import Google Fonts using the Custom Fonts plugin. You can use this plugin for the fonts downloaded from other sources.

Upload And Use Custom Font to Your Website

Once you have your font files and Custom Fonts plugin installed it』s time to upload this font. Let』s start:

Step 1 – Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Astra Options > Custom Fonts;

Step 2 – Give your font a name. This can be any name you want and which will be recognizable to you. This is how the font will show in the font list in the Customizer. For this example, we will keep the name of the font – 「Nanum Gothic」;

Step 3 – Select the appropriate Font weight for the font file you』re uploading;

Step 4 – Select your font file;

Step 5 – This step is optional. If your font has more variations, scroll down and click on the 「Add Font Variation」. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each variation you want to add:

Step 6 – Once you have added all font variations, click on the 「Add New Font」 button on the bottom of the form to save and upload it.

The font will be automatically added to the font list for all Customizer typography options. To use it, please follow these steps:

Step 1 – Navigate to the Appearance > Customize;

Step 2 – Navigate to any Typography option you wish to edit. For this example, we will use the uploaded font at Global > Base Typography;

Step 3 – When you click on the font dropdown, you will find your new font under the 「Other System Fonts」 section in the list. Select your font here:

Step 4 – Set the variants you want to use from the available variants (depending on how many you uploaded);

Step 5 – Click the 「Publish」 button to apply your font.

Padded Site Layout

Padded Site Layout

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Please refer the following document, to begin with, Site Layout.

Technically, Padded is just the Full-Width Site Layout, with extra options for the padding across the website edges.

The padding remains consistent even when user scrolls and thus, it results in a neat frame kind of design for the website, seen on many creative websites.

You can find the settings in Appearance > Customize > Global > Container > Site Layout

Note: Padded layouts work best with Full Width / Stretched.You can manage the padding independently for different devices as we』ve provided that flexibility.

Here is one of the Astra Demo Websites where we have used the padded layout option:

Other Notes:If you need to set a background image for the entire site please check this document: Global Colors – Astra Theme.

How to Add Logo, Favicon, and Site Title with Astra? (Old Astra Header)

How to Add Logo, Favicon, and Site Title with Astra? (Old Astra Header)


The new Header and Footer builder is available since Astra version 3.0.0. If you are using Header and Footer builder please switch to the related document to learn how to manage Site Identity and Logo options.Quick Tip: With Header Builder, the Site Identity options can now be found under the Customizer > Header Builder > General > Site Identity & Logo

Below are the settings that is provided by Astra below 3.0.0 for allowing easy settings to add site identities like –

LogoRetina LogoLogo for mobile devicesSite TitleSite TaglineSite Icon (favicon).

Settings can be found in the customizer under Customize > Header > Site Identity

Logo (Normal and Retina)

For the normal logo select a logo image from Media Library. Astra also allows adding Different Logos for retina devices. This 2x sized logo is necessary on high definition screens so the logo won』t look blurred. For detailed information about the retina logo please refer the link here.

In case the normal logo is big in size and covers most of the header space on mobile devices – choose to set Different Logos for mobile devices and add a separate smaller logo. For more details read the article for Mobile Header with Astra.

Logo Width

You can easily adjust the logo width with a slider. Set the toggle button to adjust logo width on the desktop, tablet, and mobile. Astra physically crops the logo in an appropriate aspect ratio which helps reducing page load. To explore how Astra handles the logo width, please refer to the link here.

Site Title &Tagline

Site Title is a name for the website. While the Tagline is the one-line description for the site. Site Title and Tagline will display in the title bar of a web browser. Manage the font size for both from Typography > Primary header.

Inline Alignment – This option sets logo and site title – tagline, in one line. It will be visible only when the site title or/and the tagline is enabled.

Site Icon (Favicon)

It』s a small image icon that can be seen in the tab of a web browser, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. You can set it with the site icon option. The recommended size for a favicon is 512 pixels. Know more about Site Icon here.

Related Document –

Why is my logo blurry?Mobile Header with Astra

Frequently Asked Questions – VIP Care

Frequently Asked Questions – VIP Care

What is the difference between VIP Care and Premium Support?We』ve always wanted to offer the best support to our users. The default premium support assures responses within a day while VIP Care takes you higher up the queue and makes sure you are answered as soon as possible.

What can you expect as a part of our support?We want to be there at every step to help you set things up with our products. You can refer to our support policy to know more.

Does VIP Care mean I get support on weekends?Generally, our support hours are Monday to Friday. But, since you are a VIP customer, we are here to help you during weekends too!

How can I submit a VIP support ticket?We have a separate form to identify tickets coming from VIP customers. You must submit a support ticket from the dedicated support page to make sure you are tagged and queued in the correct list.

How can I opt for VIP Care support?If you are an existing customer and would like to upgrade your support to VIP care, you can purchase the membership from here.

How to Clear Astra』s Cache?

How to Clear Astra』s Cache?

Did you notice Astra』s settings not reflecting correctly after the update to the latest version? The reason behind this is that Astra』s data is not being rendered correctly and requires you to clear Astra』s Cache.

This is not to be mixed with your Site cache or your browser cache. The Astra Cashe actually means that all CSS and JS from all Astra addons are combined into a single Js and CSS file. This gets cleared after you toggle any addons or make any changes in the customizer.

To resolve the same please follow one of these two steps –

Save Astra』s Customizer settingsActivating/Deactivating a module from the Astra Options page

Steps to Save Astra』s Customizer settings

Step 1: Visit the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize

Step 2: Modify some settings and Publish/Update the Customizer Settings.

Step 3: Hard Refresh using Ctrl + Shift + R / ⌘ Cmd + Shift + R on the concerned page and confirm if it resolves the issue.

Steps to Activate/Deactivate a module from the Astra Options page

Step 1: Visit the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra Options

Step 2: Besides the Available Astra Pro Modules — Deactivate and Activate one of the Pro modules.

Step 3: Hard Refresh using Ctrl + Shift + R / ⌘ Cmd + Shift + R on the concerned page and confirm if it resolves the issue.

Keep in mind that these options refer only to Astra Cache. If you made some changes to your content or changed some Customizer settings, and you don』t see the changes on your front end, you might still need to clear your Site cache and your browser cache.

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