Find the Way With Breadcrumbs

Find the Way With Breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs are showing your visitors the path in which they came to the current content they are viewing. They will show all the higher-level pages/categories that led to the current content. 

Astra Theme Walkthrough Docs:

Astra Theme WalkthroughThis Is Your CustomizerStyle Your Website With Global SettingsBuild Your Header Find the Way With Breadcrumbs (currently reading)Set Up Your BlogAdd Your SidebarsBuild Your FooterHost Google Fonts Locally – Performance Is the KeySee Other Customizer OptionsHow To Build Quick Sites With Astra?Getting the Most Out of Astra Theme

These are navigational links which means that the visitor can easily return to any higher-level category simply by clicking on it.

Use the General tab to enable your breadcrumbs by choosing the Header Position (where should breadcrumbs be positioned in your header) or disable them by choosing 「None」. In addition, you can disable breadcrumbs on specific pages by activating appropriate options from the list.

Also here you can set a Separator which will be used between the categories, as well as the Alignment.

Styling options for breadcrumbs are located in the Design tab.

Previous: Build Your Header

Next: Set Up Your Blog


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