Typography options for EDD

Typography options for EDD

Easy Digital Downloads Module is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin that extends typography options for EDD pages. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Read about the module here. Make sure that the Easy Digital Downloads Module is activated from Astra Pro options. And before that please verify if you have the Easy Digital Downloads plugin installed and activated.

Typography options will be available in the customizer under Customize > Easy Digital Downloads > Product Archive / Single Product.

Below are the available tabs –

Product Archive

Product Title: Applies typography to product title on the product archive page.Product Price: Applies typography to product price on the product archive page.Product Content: Applies typography to the product description on the product archive page.

Single Product

Product Title Color: Applies typography to product title on the single product page.Product Content Color: Applies typography to the product description on the single product page.Product Navigation Color: Applies typography to the product navigation at the bottom of the single product page.


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