How to Fix Blocked Requests Error While Importing a Starter Template?

How to Fix Blocked Requests Error While Importing a Starter Template?

Importing a template to your website will send the connection request to our server for transferring the template data. One of the reasons this process could fail is that something blocks your website』s requests to our server. In this case, you will see the following message:

WP_Error – User has blocked requests through HTTP.

The connection request flow looks like this:

When the connection from your host to our API server is blocked, this error happens.

The possible reasons and solutions are following:

Some plugins installed on your website could be a cause of this issue. Please deactivate plugins temporarily and try again. We have seen this fixes the issue in 95% of the cases.Your host might be using a firewall on their server, which might be blocking requests to our server ( Please get in touch with your host and ask if their firewall or security modules are blocking This is the email template that you could use:

Host Email Template:

Hello,I』m trying to import a starter template from the plugin: appears that my host server is not able to connect to The connection is essential for importing a starter template I need.What could be the reason my website is not able to connect to Is there a firewall or any security modules on the server which might be blocking this?If so, is it possible to unblock the connection to Can you please take a look? I』m looking forward to hearing from you.Thank You!Regards,Your name

How to Bulk Edit Astra Meta Settings on Multiple Pages & Posts at Once?

How to Bulk Edit Astra Meta Settings on Multiple Pages & Posts at Once?

Sometimes, one might feel the need to update the Astra Page Meta Settings that are on individual pages / posts at once on multiple pages. For example, one might need to make the pages full width & disable the title if he is switching from another theme to Astra.

Of course, you can do that by going  in the backend of individual pages. But how convenient would it be if the site has large number of pages?

Steps to Bulk Edit Astra Meta Settings –

Install and Activate the Astra Bulk Editor plugin from WordPress RepositorySelect the pages or posts that you need to editClick on Bulk Action -> EditYou will find Astra Meta settings. Astra Bulk Editor plugin added those extra settings.Once done, you can remove this plugin as it has completed after it』s job.

Please keep in mind that, take a backup before using any plugins like Astra Bulk Editor which does large changes on the website to remain safe!

How to Disable or Change Position of the Featured Image?

How to Disable or Change Position of the Featured Image?

Astra theme version 1.0.18 introduces a new option in the layout settings which offers you control the visibility of the featured images.

The options are provided for Blog / Archive pages as well as Single Posts and can be found in the customizer on locations as below:

Customizer – Blog – Blog / ArchiveCustomizer – Blog – Single Post

You can drag & drop the labels to switch the position of title & featured image; or simply click on the eye icon and disable it.

Fluid Site Layout

Fluid Site Layout

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Please refer the following document, to begin with, Site Layout.

Quick Steps to Enable Fluid Site Layout with AstraStep 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?Step 2: Activate the Site Layout module from the Astra Options under the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra OptionsStep 3: Visit customizer [ Appearance > Customize > Global > Container > Site Layout ] and select Fluid as Site Layout settings.

Just as the name suggests — when fluid site layout is enabled, the entire website goes edge to edge of the browser, on all screen sizes.

If you have a website where you have a lot of content; for example blog, online magazine, or for any reason, if you need your entire website including header, footer, and main content area to span across the entire browser on all screen sizes, the Fluid Site Layout is for you.

The setting for Fluid Site Layout can be found under Appearance > Customize > Global > Container > Site Layout

Astra has provided an option to manage the padding on left and right.

On responsive devices, this padding is automatically adjusted.

How to Renew Yearly License?

How to Renew Yearly License?

Astra offers Annual and Lifetime licenses for various packages. In this article, let』s see how you can renew your annual/yearly license. 

Automatic Renewal Subscription

If you own an annual license for any of the Astra packages, it will be automatically renewed every year on the anniversary of the purchase date.

So with an automatic renewal subscription, you don』t need to take any manual action to renew the license. 

You can check the Renewal Subscription status from your store account under the licenses page. 

But in case, your automatic renewal subscription is not active or you have canceled it, below are the easy steps to renew license. 

Manual Renewal

Step 1: Log in to Store account and visit the Licenses page –

Step 2: Click on the 「Renew License」 button and complete the payment process. 

This will extend the validity of your license for another year.

Related Docs –

How Do License Upgrades Work?How to Update your Payment Method?

How to Adjust the Width of Your Sidebar?

How to Adjust the Width of Your Sidebar?

Astra allows you to customize everything on your website. In this article, we』ll see how easy it is to adjust the width of your sidebar.

Step 1 – Open the customizer, navigate to Sidebar.

Step 2 – You can change the width of the sidebar using the slider shown in the image below.

How to Add a Sticky Header or On-Scroll Fixed Header with Astra?

How to Add a Sticky Header or On-Scroll Fixed Header with Astra?

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

The sticky header will fix the header in the top portion of your webpage when a user scrolls the page. It will allow quick access to the menu from any part of the page.


We have released Astra 3.0 which introduces the Header/Footer Builder which changes a few things, you can refer to the below video to know more.

Quick Steps on How to Add a Sticky Header or On-scroll Fixed Header with the Sticky Header ModuleStep 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?Step 2: Activate the Sticky Header module from the Astra Options under the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra OptionsStep 3: Visit customizer [ Appearance > Customize > Header > Sticky Header ] to edit module settings

It is a premium feature available with Astra Pro. You can activate the module from Appearance > Astra Options > Sticky Header

You can find the settings under Appearance > Customize > Header > Sticky Header

Sticky Header Settings

Stick Primary Header option will stick the default theme header. (?)

In case if you have enabled the Header Sections Module from Astra Pro, you will see options to stick the Above and the Below header section.

Enabling Stick Above Header Section or Stick Below Header Section will stick the respective header section to the top of the page scroll.

Sticky Logo and Logo Width

This allows you to choose a different logo for your Sticky Header than your site logo. Leave this empty if you want to use the same logo as your site logo. You can add normal as well as retina logo and can set easily set width with a slider.

If you have activated Colors and Background module from Astra Pro and have set a background color for Header from Appearance > Customize > Header > Sticky Header.

Then this background color will automatically apply to the sticky header. In this case, you can use the Sticky Background Opacity option to manage the opacity of the background color.

Enable Shrink Effect

It will shrink the sticky header height, logo, and menu size. Sticky Header will display in a compact size. It is useful when you have primary header quite large in height and you want it to be smaller when converting to the sticky header.

Select Animation Effect

Animation effect will appear on sticky header entry.

Display On

You can choose to display your sticky header either on desktop or mobile or on both.

Note: By default, the shadow will appear for a sticky header. If you want to remove it use the custom CSS.

.main-header-bar.ast-sticky-active {
box-shadow: unset;

Colors & Background for Sticky Header 

In the customizer under Header > Sticky Header all options are available. If you have a sticky primary header, respective options will appear. If Above and Below headers are set as to stick different options for them will appear.

How to Increase PHP Time Limit for a WordPress Site?

How to Increase PHP Time Limit for a WordPress Site?

What Is The PHP Time Limit?

The PHP Time Limit is the amount of time that your site will spend on a single operation before timing out. When an operation reaches the time limit set, then it will return a fatal error that looks like this:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of xx seconds exceeded...

The default value for PHP time limit on most hosts for the PHP Time Limit is 30 seconds. You can increase this limit by following any of the methods mentioned below.

1. Most Recommended: Just Contact Your HostIncreasing the PHP Time Limit is complex and the process that differs from hosts to hosts. So it is always better to get it done from someone who knows it well. So just get in touch with your hosting company and they will be happy to do it for you.

2. Increasing PHP Time Limit via PHP.ini fileMany small shared hosted servers do not allow users to access the PHP.ini file. If you are granted access, you can directly increase the PHP Time limit through this file. If you wish to extend the limit to 300 seconds, you can enter the following line of code or update if it exists already:

max_execution_time = 300;

3. Alternative to editing PHP.ini through wp-config.phpThis is another alternative to the PHP.ini method. Simply add / edit the following line in the wp-config.php of your WordPress


4. Modifying the .htaccess fileSome of you might have the .htaccess file where you can simply add / edit this line of code to increase the time limit.

max_execution 300

P.S: 300 in the above code samples mean 300 seconds. Feel free to change this to any appropriate number.

Footer Custom Text Helper Strings

Footer Custom Text Helper Strings

In Footer Custom Text, a user can add any HTML content. Furthermore, Astra offers some helper strings that can be used to place some useful dynamic content, such as the current year, or title of the website.

More information below:

[current_year] -> This String prints Current Year.
[site_title] -> This String prints Current Site Title.
[theme_author] -> This String prints Theme name with It's author link.


HTML in Custom Text:

Copyright © [current_year] [site_title] | Powered by [theme_author]

On Front-end:

Copyright © 2020 Your Site Title | Powered by Astra

Note: Above mentioned strings are predefined constants in theme. They will not work as shortcode when used with page/post content.

Site Layout Overview

Site Layout Overview

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Quick Steps to Create Site Layout using the Site Layouts ModuleStep 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?Step 2: Activate the module from the Astra Options under the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Astra OptionsStep 3: Visit customizer [ Appearance > Astra Options > Global > Container > Site Layout ] for Site Layout options and settings

You can activate the module from  Appearance > Astra Options > Site Layouts.

With Site Layout module, you can manage the overall layout of the website.

Once you activate the module you can find Site Layout setting under Appearance > Customize > Global > Container > Site Layout

The layout chosen will be applied to the outer wrapper of the site. The default layout will be 「Full Width」. Options available with Site Layout modules are explained in individual articles linked below.

Full-Width LayoutMax Width LayoutPadded LayoutFluid Layout