Depending on your settings, your Blog Archive page might have multiple pages. In this case, the navigation links are being used to switch between different pages. These navigation links are displayed at the bottom of the page as 「Previous Page」 and 「Next Page」.
You can change these labels with any custom text by adding a custom code (filter). To do this, you would need to add the following filter to the functions.php file of your Child Theme:
add_filter('astra_default_strings' , 'call_back');
function call_back( $default ){
$default['string-blog-navigation-previous'] = '← ' . __( 'Custom Previous Page', 'astra' );
$default['string-blog-navigation-next'] = __( 'Custom Next Page', 'astra' ) . ' →';
return $default;
This code will rename your navigation links to 「Custom Previous Page」 and 「Custom Next Page」. You can replace these link labels with any other text by modifying the bolded part of the code above.
If you don』t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it. Also, If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.If you need to do modify navigational links on your Single Posts, please check out this document.